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Gardens Illustrated 园艺画报被广泛认为是园艺出版社的时尚,旨在通过不拘一格的国际编辑组合来激发您的灵感,包括卓越的地方,植物和人。 凭借精湛的摄影,权威的新闻和卓越的设计,这本屡获殊荣的杂志是花园设计师,花园爱好者和爱好者的风格圣经。Widely regarded as the Vogue of the gardening press, Gardens Illustrated aims to inspire you with an eclectic and international editorial mix of remarkable places, plants and people. With superb photography, authoritative journalism and exceptional design, this award-winning magazine is a style bible for garden designers, garden lovers and enthusiasts alike.